Scientist Use NASA to Predict Solar Corona Before the Eclipse
2024 Total Solar Eclipse. On April 8, 2024, a total solar eclipse will cross North America, passing over Mexico, United States, and Canada.
Las Cruces Bulletin: Arts & Science - Scene, November 2023
MAGDALENA: “DARK SKY LAND Exhibition Series,” is a transdisciplinary time-based exhibition, featuring works by astronomers and artists in the context of a Night Sky environmental project. This exhibition takes place in one of the darkest regions of the Northern Hemisphere. The project offers an innovative situation where art, science, nature, culture, community, advocacy and the unknown converge.
New Mexico DarSky Chapter meeting at NM Tech. Briggs: Significant economic value to our dark skies
The New Mexico chapter of Dark Skies International conducted its first meeting Dec. 1 at New Mexico Tech with the goal of bringing stakeholders together on the issue of preserving dark skies.
Speak out on Los Alamos code — and save dark skies
An editorial (“Dark skies are another draw for New Mexico,” Our View, Jan. 24) points out that the dark skies we enjoy here are a benefit to tourism as well as to the well-being of wildlife, human health and calming the soul.
Rare Nighttime Photography of Very Large Array Featured in Dark Sky Land Exhibition Series at Warehouse 1-10
Dark Sky Land exhibit opens May 6th and runs through mid-June. Read more about the exhibit at the National Radio Astronomy Observatory.